Current courses
During the courses on chosen thematic blocks students can profoundly learn chosen topic and discuss in details any questions that emerge during courses with our course leaders. Our courses are composed in series with 6-8 lectures in each. During one serie students have opportunity to complete 1 out of 3 biological courses on choice (happen at the same time) and English essays writing course.
All registered students have access to the materials from the course (worksheets, code scripts, presentations).
Here you can find out the past courses and see the presentations from some of them.
Future courses
Vertebrate zoology
Genetics of humans
English - on tongue and on paper
Other topics - according to participants' demands
Offered thematical lessons will be designed in order with demands on topics, which participants want to study more profoundly. We would be happy to hear your interests and thoughts in the registration form!
Past courses
Laboratory diagnostics (2 series, 14 lessons)
Lecturer - Olena Solianyk, Diogen laboratory member, teacher of Experimental biology of Kyiv palace of children and youth section
Genes and genomes (2 series, 14 lessons)
Lecturers - Fyodor Kondrashov, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology professor, Lada Isakova, École Normale Supérieure Paris student
Botany (2 series, 14 lessons)
Lecturers - Daryna Zavadska, Barcelona Institute of Evolutionary Biology PhD student, Bohdana Hurieva and Iryna Poplevitcheva, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University students
Evolution (1 serie, 6 lessons)
Lecturers - Daryna Zavadska, Barcelona Institute of Evolutionary Biology PhD student, Bohdana Hurieva, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University student, Ivanna Ostapchuk, Sciences Sorbonne University student, Lada Isakova, ENS Paris student
Biophysics (1 serie, 6 lessons)
Lecturer - Borys Olifirov, PhD student of Bogomolets Institute of physiology
Microbiology (1 serie, 6 lessons).
Lecturer - Metodii Hollender, Warsaw university student
English - on tongue and on paper (3 series, 20 lessons)
Lecturer - Cathy Shufro, professor of Yale University